
The dresser is one of the basic pieces of furniture in the nursery. This changing furniture has a wider top than other closets, so a changing mat can easily fit on top. Usually the dresser stands high on its legs. This way your feet fit underneath it and you stand closer to your baby. The correct height (85-105 cm.) is not only pleasant, but also very important to prevent back problems. Use the practical furniture to quickly provide your little one with a clean diaper or clothes. You can store all baby necessities in the handy storage spaces. This way you have everything within reach, while your little one is always safely supported. You can’t do without a piece of furniture like this. Especially because parents can be found at the changing table several times a day…

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The dresser is one of the basic pieces of furniture in the nursery. This changing furniture has a wider top than other closets, so a changing mat can easily fit on top. Usually the dresser stands high on its legs. This way your feet fit underneath it and you stand closer to your baby. The correct height (85-105 cm.) is not only pleasant, but also very important to prevent back problems. Use the practical furniture to quickly provide your little one with a clean diaper or clothes. You can store all baby necessities in the handy storage spaces. This way you have everything within reach, while your little one is always safely supported. You can’t do without a piece of furniture like this. Especially because parents can be found at the changing table several times a day…

What do you keep in the dresser?

First of all, it is useful to know which items you need during washing, dressing or changing your little one. You want to keep these items close at hand, because you never leave your baby alone on the changing table! If your little one makes an unexpected move, you ensure safety.

Care products: Wash gel, shampoo, body lotion, baby oil, diaper cream, manicure set and thermometer
Changing products: Diapers, wipes, hydrophilic cloths, wash cloths and mouth cloths
Clothing: Rompers, socks and various clothes (in the current size of your little one)
Other: Bathrobe or cape, pacifier, cuddly toy or music mobile

Tips for organizing your dresser

Drawers, doors or storage compartments. When organizing the top of the closet, start with the things you use the most. While you support your little one with one hand, you can easily grab something from the top drawer with the other hand. Are you right or left handed? Also important to realise while organizing!

Useful dresser accessories

The dresser itself is already equipped with many conveniences. Yet, you can make it yourself even a little more easy. There are a number of useful accessories to place around your dresser. Make sure that you can easily reach everything yourself, but little babyhands can’t…

Inside the dresser:

  • Clothes dividers to store all your things easily and clearly

On top of the dresser:

  • Changing pad (with changing pad cover)
  • A barrier to place the changing pad in. This way your little one lies directly in front of you and you prevent the pillow from shifting. The raised edges are offering extra safety as well

Above the chest of drawers:

  • A wall shelf is ideal to store extra necessities or to place cute decorations
  • Place storage baskets on the wall shelf for extra storage space. Practical to store your small and most used items. It’s a stylish decoration for the nursery either way
  • A music box or mobile provides soothing distraction and entertainment for your little one

Next to the dresser:

  • Place wall hooks so that you always have a bathrobe or cape at hand
  • Use a diaper bucket to get rid of all dirty diapers as quickly as possible (don’t forget about the waste bags…)

Dresser? Yes sir!

It may be one of the most practical pieces of furniture, but we do want it to look great as wel. Don’t we? After all, you’re going to need it for the next 3-4 years… Follow the latest trends or choose a timeless basic. Dressers are available in many shapes, sizes and styles. A nursery with lots of colour, busy prints and striking decorations in it, requires a calm counterpart. Complete nursery from 1 series are available, with which you create peace and unity. If the nursery excists from neutral colours, you can mix and match the furniture however you like. Dare to play with colour and combine different furniture, to really make something special out of your nursery. The dresser can be a real eye-catcher. Choose what you find beautiful and, above all, practical. Your little miss(ter) sunshine will make sure to take you there many times a day.

Buy your favourite dresser

Are you still not sure which dresser you want to buy after reading this text? Please contact the customer service of baby store Baby Plus and we will be happy to assist you.