Baby Monitors

Keep an eye and an ear on your little one while it’s sleeping with a reliable baby monitor. You can relax without worry with the support of these baby monitors. Whatever you wish, the perfect baby monitor is waiting for you. Just listen or do you want talk back as well? Do you want to stay informed about the room temperature? Your baby monitor is as luxurious as you want!

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Keep an eye and an ear on your little one while it’s sleeping with a reliable baby monitor. You can relax without worry with the support of these baby monitors. Whatever you wish, the perfect baby monitor is waiting for you. Just listen or do you want talk back as well? Do you want to stay informed about the room temperature? Your baby monitor is as luxurious as you want!

What’s a baby monitor?

With a baby monitor, you’ll listen to your little one while he’s in another room. It mostly consists of two units. Place one unit in the nursery and one in the room you’re in. whether your little one sleeps or plays in another room, the device reassures you when your little one isn’t with you. The device lets you know when your little one’s crying or if something else is happening. This reassurance is great for (new) parents! You have relaxed moments knowing you can hear and in some cases even see your baby.

Buy baby monitors

There are different kinds of baby monitors. Make it as luxurious as you want. There a, amongst others, the following types:

  • There are simple baby monitors that only pick up the sound of your child. Place one unit in the nursery and the other one in the living room or wherever you are at that moment. Once your little wakes up or starts crying, the baby monitor registers the sound and sends it to the other unit in the other room.
  • A baby monitor with camera ensures that you see and hear your child. You’re reassured with this type of device, because you can always see and hear your child.
  • Devices with talk back function are perfect if you would like to communicate with your child. If he can’t fall asleep, mum’s or dad’s voice can have a calming effect. Sing a lullaby while your little one’s in its bed and you’re on the couch. Off to dreamland they go.
  • Nowadays you also have devices with an app. If you really don’t want to lose sight of your child, not even for a second, install the app on your phone. You can look at your child wherever you are.
  • To reassure parents even more, there are also types with extensive functions. Like showing the room temperature. You can check if it’s not too hot in the room. Some devices also have the option to play a lullaby. Press the button and the sounds of a lovely lullaby fill the room.
  • When buying a baby monitor, make sure to check what the range is. Standard types work fine within the house. But if you want a device that has a good range outside as well, make sure to choose a type that has this characteristic.

Bring the baby monitor when travelling

There are cordless types, types that work on batteries or are plugged into power. Whatever type you choose, it’s a convenient accessory to have a t home and when travelling. Because of its compact size, you easily take baby monitors with you when travelling or to a sleepover. They’re convenient and are essential for parents. Looking for a suitable baby monitor to buy? We sell baby monitors of brands like Alecto and Aerosleep.